A little while ago my husband, Brad, told me he had a surprise for me.
I was extremely excited about this and asked consistently, at least every second day for 4 months "So...when will I get my surprise?" (I love surprises!)
One night out of the blue, he decided he would tell me what my surprise was.
I was pretty excited and couldn't believe that after months of asking, he was finally going to tell me...
Turns out, my friend Nimmi, had told him to take me to a beautiful cafe in Melbourne called 'The sparrows nest'. She said it looked lovely and I would be sure to love it!!!
I was HAPPY of coarse with my surprise, but with the built up suspense, I was thinking along the lines of- A hot air balloon ride, a weekend away, a puppy??
Part of me wonders why Brad took 4 months to get around to telling me what the surprise was, yet never took me there (surely we had a spare couple of hours??)
But alas, we are going there for brunch this Sunday. I looked it up on the net and yes it looks fab.
Maybe you too should take a trip to The sparrows nest!!
P.S Thanks Nim for the idea, we'll get there eventually! xx