The past 3 weeks for me have been a little like a crazy sort of roller coaster. Things happening all the time, always on the move, rushing rushing rushing, seeing familiar faces as they move by me at a fast pace.
Life always seems to resemble this when I am on my nursing rotation. Thank goodness I have been just a 15 min drive from home.
How do I seem to fill up every waking hour with 'stuff' i have to do and lie in bed at the end of the day wishing the day would last longer.
Lately I have longed to do my favorite things such as spring clean the house, weed the garden, play guitar for hours, sit down with a coffee and watch episodes of a fave series and not feel guilty, drop in to a friends place unexpectedly and not be watching the clock or go for a walk because i have the time...but the roller coaster of the past 3 weeks has not really stopped long enough for me to do this.
It is my last day today and, as usual, I have baked a big batch of cup cakes for the ward to show my gratitude in letting me follow them around (and do all of their work so they can have prolonged coffee breaks) and as i sit here on this sunny morning I am just so grateful that this 3 weeks has passed and now I can get back to the simple life and enjoy my favorite things.
Brad and I have struggled to spend time together over this 3 weeks and it was lovely last night to go out to dinner together, laugh and chat over great food and then see a movie. It was a real date and it was the perfect way to spend my Thursday evening. ( I highly recommend seeing 'The blind side' a beautiful movie)
I was thinking last night how lucky I am, I have a beautiful family, husband and friends, I have a lovely house and job and its easy to get caught up in the roller coaster and not take all this in.

On my next rotation when the roller coaster beckons me in, I will say "wait...there is no need to rush, let each moment of each precious day be inspiring and don't waste these next few weeks running, walk slow and push the unimportant things aside and turn this roller coaster in to more of a scenic railway" well you get my gist!
A few quotes (literally two)that I have heard in the last few weeks that said "hello" to me
-"Rush to relax"
- "Don't be afraid, instead when you feel fear, be inspired"
I loved reading measured words (www.measuredwords2.wordpress.com) and appreciating Cat's love for the Blue Rose. It's the little and beautiful things in life that catch your attention!